My father, Donald Goebel, started the Arroyo Roble Resort Resales program in 1990, says current Sedona Timeshare Resales owner Rod Goebel.
Arroyo Roble Resort is a 65-villa timeshare resort started in 1983; by 1988 the resort was sold out. The developers, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans, of Phoenix, Arizona , could have built 95 villas on 9.3 acres between Oak Creek and Highway 89A. Instead, they opted to build only 72 villas because they didn't want to remove many trees.
Seven of these units, built directly on Oak Creek, are now part of the 66-room Arroyo Roble Best Western Hotel owned by the Evans family. These villas currently rent for as much as $525 per night.

The family of Sedona Schnebly visits the Arroyo Roble
The Evans family built quality. In Bob Evans words, "We took a lot of time and effort selecting materials that would hold up well over time.... and even though it was expensive, it has paid off. It has always been important to the family and me to know we have done things right and owners feel like they have had more enjoyment from the resort than they even expected."
The resort has a Homeowners Reserve of about $300,000 and has always been debt free.
Rod took over the company with this philosophy in mind: I never hold high-pressure sales meetings or take listings from other resorts. It speaks very well of the Resort that most of my sales are existing owners wanting to add more weeks. A few of our owners now have 6 or 8 weeks of time here at Arroyo Roble!
We've never charged an upfront fee and never plan to.
Arroyo Roble remains one of Arizona's highest ranked RCI Gold Crown Timeshare resorts.